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Explore the range of Our Biodynamic and Organic Products

Biodynamic and organic raspberries

Available from mid-November to mid-January.

Fresh raspberries available in 125g punnets or frozen in 500g bags.  Raspberries are a rich source of Vitamin C and are high in antioxidants.  Fresh berries are great for snacks, using in baking or for adding to the top of your muesli.

Biodynamic and organic boysenberries

Available from mid-December to mid-January.

Fresh boysenberries available in 125g punnets or frozen in 500g bags.  Boysenberries are a cross between blackberries and raspberries.  They have a slightly tangy taste and are high in antioxidants.  Great for making jam, using in baking or for smoothies.

Biodynamic and organic black currants

Available from late December.

Frozen black currants available in 500g bags.  High in Vitamin C and flavonoids.  Great for making into jams or jellies and adding to baking.

Biodynamic and organic strawberries

Available from November to February.

Available fresh in 250g punnets. These large, juicy, tasty fruit are very high in vitamin C.   Good to have on your cereal or to eat straight from the punnet.

Biodynamic and organic plums

Available end-December to January.

Plums are great for eating fresh or making into jam.  They have high levels of antioxidants.  The varieties we have are Billingtons, Black Doris and Hawera, all red skin and dark fleshed plums.

Biodynamic and organic apples

Available from January.

Varieties include Hetlina, Monty’s Surprise, Peasgood Nonsuch and Granny Smith.  All are good eating apples or can be used in cooking.

Biodynamic and organic garlic

Available from end-December.

Garlic is widely used in cooking and adds a pungent flavour to dishes.  It also has been used medicinally with recent research confirming it s a natural antibiotic.  Large bulbs are sold individually.

Organic eggs

Available all year.

Fresh eggs available by the dozen or half dozen.  Eggs are a versatile food.  Our girls are able to free range on our biodynamic pasture.